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LiT Newsletter #16

You are now reading the sixteenth edition of the LiT newsletter, a true summer edition. This issue contains an update on our annual event, including the announcement of our first speakers. Additionally, we share our new address, inform you about a grant decision, and look back at and forward to exciting events.

Registration for Our Annual Event is Now Open!

We warmly invite you to join us on October 3rd at Madurodam, The Hague, for the Luchtvaart in Transitie annual event.

We have put together an impressive list of speakers and an engaging program for you. We are delighted to confirm the following speakers:

  • Lodewijk Asscher (Chairman of the Sustainable Aviation Table)
  • Erik Geertsema (Chief Executive Officer of Conscious Aerospace and Board Member of Luchtvaart in Transitie)
  • Helen Kuyper (Head of the Sustainable Aviation Department and Deputy Director of Aviation, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
  • Brigit Gijsbers (Deputy Director General Aviation and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
  • Birgit Otto (Chairwoman of the International Advisory Council of Luchtvaart in Transitie)
  • Tjerk Opmeer (Director of Innovation and Knowledge and Deputy Director General of Enterprise & Innovation, Ministry of Economic Affairs)

Register now!

This is an open event, so feel free to share the pre-registration link below with anyone you think might be interested in Luchtvaart in Transitie.

Register for the Annual Event

Newsletter Update

This is already the second newsletter we are sending out via our new mail program. Since the first newsletter, six weeks ago, we have introduced a new feature that allows people to sign up for the newsletter through a form on our website. Thanks to this feature, we are now welcoming nearly 50 new readers. To all of them: welcome!

To our loyal readers: we are glad you continue to enjoy receiving the LiT newsletter. We would like to remind you of the option to unsubscribe from a specific language. This can be easily done by clicking 'Unsubscribe' at the bottom of the newsletter in that language.

Thank you for your interest and engagement!

Luchtvaart in Transitie has moved

We are pleased to announce that as of July 1, we have moved to a new location! You can now find us at our new address:

NL Aviation Plaza

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 81

2595 BR, The Hague

Visitor entrance via the main entrance:

WTC The Hague | Tower E | 20th Floor

Prinses Beatrixlaan 582

2595 BM, The Hague

Update on the Intended GDP Impact

While the evaluation of the Luchtvaart in Transitie proposal in 2022 was favorable for activities around aircraft development, there was no allocation for program lines around fuels and airports, resulting in a loss of part of the impact. This had not been updated until now. As this was also noticed by the Court of Audit, the government has indicated that it will recalculate earning power based on a modified Theory of Change. This method not only shows what happens in the project itself but also the economic and social impact expected from the output after the project completion. It is crucial to see whether the strengthening of the ecosystem and the development of new knowledge and technology create a lasting foundation for the Dutch ecosystem to independently continue working on new innovations to achieve a better market position.

The LiT Project Office initiated this update action in mid-June with support from Roland Berger, who also helped draft the LiT NGF application. Interviews have been conducted with several subprojects to update the data compared to the originally submitted proposal. The goal is to complete the update by mid-August.

Project Updates

HCA Out of the Starting Blocks

In the previous newsletter, you read that the grant decision for the SEC Human Capital Agenda project has been signed. Meanwhile, glasses were also raised to the launch of the project. In addition to the project leader Mathijn Korf, the Government Project Team, and the Project Office, various partners from the College of Aviation Education Stakeholders (CVBLO), such as the Ministry of Defense and KLM, as well as project leaders from other LiT projects, were present. The goal of the Human Capital Agenda is to support the objectives of LiT with sufficient and adequately trained personnel, focusing on the introduction and support of innovative technologies essential for the transition to sustainable aviation. Without this personnel, the transition will face delays, and the aviation sector will not be prepared for future developments such as hydrogen-powered flight.

More information about our Human Capital Agenda can be found on our website.

Exciting News from Conscious Aerospace: HAPSS Paper Accepted at ICAS

LiT is excited to announce that the groundbreaking paper on the Hydrogen-Electric Retrofit for the DeHavilland Dash 8-300 aircraft by Conscious Aerospace has been accepted for presentation at the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) conference. This prestigious event is one of the largest and most influential gatherings in the field of aeronautical science, bringing together leading experts and innovators from around the world. 

Bartjan Rietdijk will represent Conscious Aerospace and present the paper on 11 September 2024, Wednesday at 11 am. The study highlights the design of a commercially viable and certifiable hydrogen-electric retrofit, focusing on liquid hydrogen, fuel cell systems, and electric motors. With a target range of 750 km, this retrofit aims to meet the mission requirements of maintaining cargo capability and maximizing passenger capacity, while addressing key challenges such as hydrogen storage, power management, and certification. 

The acceptance of this paper at ICAS underscores the innovative work being done at Conscious Aerospace and aligns perfectly with the mission of LiT. LiT aims to accelerate the shift towards a sustainable future in aviation, focusing on making aviation climate-neutral by 2050. By uniting various stakeholders, including universities, SMEs, and large enterprises, LiT supports the development of breakthrough technologies for ultra-efficient, CO2-free aircraft. This initiative, supported by the Dutch government through the National Growth Fund, positions the Netherlands as a leader in innovative and resilient aviation. 

For more details, check out the ICAS programme


Recap of Holland High Tech Network Event

On July 3th, the Holland High Tech Networking Event 2024 took place at 'De Werkspoorkathedraal' in Utrecht.

At the market square, several National Growth Fund programmes from rounds 1, 2 and 3 presented themselves.

From LiT, we spotlighted the projects ‘Advanced electrical cabling’ with Sido Kermans and ‘Cooling systems and turbocompressors’ with Johnny van Lugtenburg. Interest from participants was high, both for the programme in general and for these projects in particular. With also very much interest in the Temporary Subsidy Scheme.

LiT at the Vienna Aviation Days

On July 8 and 9, the Vienna Aviation Days took place, a meeting entirely focused on (hybrid) hydrogen-electric propulsion solutions as part of the dissemination of an EU project. In the context of 'together you get further,' a module was set up for open discussion about collaboration and synergies between EU research and national programs (such as LiT), and between 'like-minded' national programs. Ron van Manen participated by invitation from the organizing committee in a program segment dedicated to potential collaboration topics, alongside representatives from the European Commission Directorate for Research and Innovation, the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK), and the Austrian Ministry for Climate, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK). There was significant interest from the Austrian ecosystem in LiT and for making connections. Contacts have already been established with several research institutions such as AIT, and companies like ADT and Magna with their Dutch counterparts.

Luchtvaart in Transitie voor het NGF

LiT at the National Growth Fund Congres

On June 20, the National Growth Fund conference was organized with all parties from the current National Growth Fund. This third annual conference was very well attended by the invitees from the programs and projects as well as the responsible ministries. There was a lot of attention for the operational status of the awarded projects (rounds 1 to 3) and the challenge of accelerating and scaling up. There was also considerable focus on the challenges many projects face in attracting private financing. Many practical tips and insights from the world of corporate finance and impact investors made the program particularly interesting.

At the conference, Ron also recorded a video promoting Luchtvaart in Transitie. You can find this video here.

Upcoming Events

September 9-13, 2024

October 3, 2024

October 8-9, 2024

November 12-14, 2024

November 21, 2024

January 28-30, 2025

ICAS 2024 

Luchtvaart in Transitie Annual Event

ATI Conference 2024

Innovation Mission Sustainable Aviation France

SKB Event

Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit

Highlighted Event: Innovation Mission Sustainable Aviation France

November 12-14, 2024

The RVO and the Netherlands Aerospace Group (NAG), in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ), are organizing an Innovation Mission for Sustainable Aviation to Paris from November 12 to 14, 2024. This mission explores how we can strengthen collaboration with the French aviation ecosystem. Think, for example, of research, development, and production of systems and processes to make flying on sustainable fuels (Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Bio-fuels, E-fuels, and hydrogen) possibly faster.

Are you active in the field of research, development, and production of systems and processes to provide aircraft with sustainable fuel? And are you interested in sharing knowledge and joining forces with French partners? Explore the possibilities during the Innovation Mission. For more information and to register, go to Innovation Mission France: Sustainable Aviation (

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