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LiT Newsletter #15

You are now reading the fifteenth edition of the LiT newsletter, now in a new format and sent via a different program. In this newsletter, you will find an update on the most recently signed grant decision, the subprojects 'Promising Research' and STB2, and the announcement of the relocation of the Project Office. Additionally, there is an update on various events, both upcoming and past. Plenty of exciting developments to read about.

Update about ActiveCampaign 

As you may have noticed, the newsletter looks different this time, and you have received both a Dutch and an English email. This is because we are now sending the newsletter via ActiveCampaign. This offers several advantages: data protection is better, signing up for the newsletter is easier through the signup form on the website, and the newsletter looks more attractive.

Since we do not yet have a preferred language setting for all current recipients of our newsletter, we have added everyone to both the Dutch and the English mailing lists. This is why you have received the emails in duplicate. With the button below, you can unsubscribe from the English newsletter. You will continue to receive the newsletter in Dutch.

We are very excited about this new program and would like to thank you in advance for your patience in setting your preferences. Feel free to share this link with people in your network so they can now directly receive our newsletter as well. Thank you very much in advance!


Opening of the Temporary Subsidy Scheme Luchtvaart in Transitie

On May 28, the Temporary Subsidy Scheme Luchtvaart in Transitie was opened. The aim of the scheme is to further accelerate the transition to sustainable aviation by potentially involving even more parties. The subsidy scheme consists of various modules that support this: knowledge and test vouchers, the implementation of feasibility projects, promising research, and R&D collaboration projects. More information about the subsidy scheme can be found on our website on the 'Join us' page. If you have any questions, you can contact

Please note: the opening of the Promising Research module will close on July 15, 2024.

Luchtvaart in Transitie is relocating

The Project Office of Luchtvaart in Transitie will be moving on July 1, along with the NAG and LRN, from our current location in Delft to The Hague, in the WTC Tower. On the 20th floor, we will set up an office where we will share the entrance with the NAG and LRN but have our own office. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the new location.

Project Updates

Project Update Promising Research

The project 'Promising Research' started last year. This project focuses on technological developments that will become relevant after 2030. With this, 'Promising Research' strengthens the Dutch knowledge position for that period.

This project consists of 13 studies, each of which can be considered an independent project. The main themes are 'Smart Structural Parts' and 'Enabling Hydrogen-Powered Flight'. The topics within the first theme are broad: from new laminate structures to increase the damage tolerance of composites to low-noise propellers, from the use of circular fibers to multi-metal additive manufacturing. In the second theme, the topics range from converting the electrically powered Pipistrel into a hydrogen test aircraft to hydrogen-tight composites and aerothermal management. 'Promising Research' is being carried out by Royal NLR and TU Delft. Virtually all studies have started at this time.

In the studies, researchers focus on new innovations and technologies that are in line with the other LiT subprojects. We also consider how this knowledge can be applied by the companies participating in LiT. To this end, a knowledge event is organized annually, where LiT stakeholders and the researchers can interact. The first event is scheduled for November 21, 2024. In addition, there will be scientific publications and results will be presented at international conferences.

Grant Decision for Human Capital Agenda

The ink is still wet, but the grant decision for the SEC Human Capital Agenda project has been signed. The aim of the project is to support the objectives of LiT with sufficient and adequately trained personnel, focusing on the introduction and support of innovative technologies that are essential for the transition to sustainable aviation. Without this personnel, the transition will be delayed, and the aviation sector will not be prepared for future developments such as hydrogen-powered flight. The project is led by CvBLo and carried out in collaboration with GKN Fokker, KLM, and the ROC of Amsterdam. More information about our Human Capital Agenda can be found on our website.

Architecture Design Review HAPSS

In May, two architecture design reviews were organized to present the progress and status of the HAPPS project. Combined, both reviews took one and half day. Because HAPSS also uses confidential OEM data from De Havilland Canada, one design review was held internal with Conscious Aerospace only; the other review was held between Conscious, Royal NLR and TU Delft. During both days the complete HAPPS system was reviewed, from the liquid hydrogen tank to the electric motors with a sidestep to the thermal management system. All architecture reports were also independently reviewed for technical maturity.

With the overall system architectures defined, the main outcome of the review is that there is a clear path to feasibility of the HAPPS-equipped DHC Dash 8-300. The impact of a HAPPS system on the aircraft performance is the main design point to close. The main driver for the weight, and thus the final aircraft performance (take-off, range, etc.), is the power output requested by the fuel cell, which cascades into the various other systems (thermal management, for instance).

The goal is to close the open points by the end of July 2024.

Update about STB2

The previous newsletter mentioned that Embraer had decided not to submit a formal project plan for the intended STB2 Fuel Cell-Electric project with Embraer. In consultation with the LiT Board and the Government Steering Group (SGO), an alternative approach had been outlined. We would like to update you on the progress.

Firstly, the Project Office established conditions and evaluation criteria for the alternative approach. Subsequently, various potential plans were analyzed with three LiT board members. Three of these plans were further explored in constructive discussions and technical sessions with different consortia. After deliberation, the Board and the SGO determined that the proposal led by Airbus is the most promising option for the alternative implementation of the STB2 project. This proposal could make a significant contribution to the sustainable earning capacity of the Netherlands and the aviation sector's sustainability.

Airbus's proposal focuses on developing hydrogen technology for Airbus's new generation zero-emission aircraft (ZEROe). This technology will be tested on the ground and eventually integrated into an Airbus aircraft. The project aims to develop a hydrogen fuel cell-electric propulsion system that leverages the cryogenic temperatures of liquid hydrogen to achieve significantly increased efficiency, enabling much higher power levels. Technologies that have been explored at low TRL levels by both Airbus and GKN Fokker will be further developed through this collaboration, including cooling systems for the electric distribution network and electric motors (superconductivity). This setup is expected to significantly increase the efficiency of the propulsion system, reduce weight, and lower operating temperatures. As a result, propulsion with much higher power levels (and therefore larger aircraft and longer flights) becomes feasible.

We have submitted a request to the Advisory Committee of the National Growth Fund to further develop this proposal into a comprehensive project plan, with Airbus as the lead partner. We aim to submit this plan in October 2024.


Recap of ILA Berlin

On 05 and 06 June, LiT visited the ILA Berlin. Several LiT partners such as ADSE, Aeronamic, Airborne, KVE and Royal NLR were present at the NAG stand.

At the ILA Berlin, the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation (AZEA) released its report titled ‘Flying on Electricity & Hydrogen’ outlining the vision for realizing electric and hydrogen-powered zero emissions flight. This groundbreaking report underscores the collaborative efforts within the aviation industry and the collective commitment to transitioning towards sustainable energy sources like renewable electricity and green hydrogen. It highlights the required actions that the ecosystem must take to realize this vision. Importantly, it also touches upon important policy issues and critical enablers to turn the vision into reality. “As a proud member of AZEA, Luchtvaart in Transitie is proud to have contributed to this initiative. We are eager to play our part together with our partners in the next stage of making a new era of sustainable aviation possible”, according Ron van Manen.

Meeting have also taken place with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Federal Aviation Research Programme (LuFo). Both have expressed warm interest in further exploring how to shape further cooperation between existing projects and possibly in new ones. In addition, the Airbus-NAG Management Board meeting and a working session on the Airbus Tech Hub took place. Both led to fruitful discussions on how to further accelerate the transition to sustainable aviation.

Finally, informal discussions were held with Clean Aviation looking at the second phase of the Clean Aviation programme and the upcoming open call (spring 2025).

Luchtvaart in Transitie at the SWAPEC 2024

On May 14, 2024, SWAPEC 2024 took place. The student-organized conference, sponsored by Luchtvaart in Transitie as part of the Human Capital Agenda project, brought together experts from the aviation industry and students to discuss the future of the sector.

SWAPEC 2024 focused on two key areas: cleaner and more sustainable aviation, and attracting and retaining talent in aviation. The conference presented innovative ideas and technologies aimed at reducing the aviation industry's ecological footprint. Partners of Luchtvaart in Transitie, including Conscious Aerospace and Fokker Next Gen, presented their latest developments in this field. Additionally, attention was given to the Human Capital Agenda issue, which focuses on attracting and retaining students for careers in sustainable aviation. The conference emphasized the importance of creating an attractive work environment for young talent and providing learning and development opportunities to retain them in the sector.

SWAPEC 2024 was a successful event that provided valuable insights into the future of the aviation industry. The conference highlighted the importance of innovation, sustainability, and talent development in transforming the sector towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Upcoming Events

11 - 13 June, 2024

20 June, 2024

24 June, 2024

3 July, 2024

22 - 24 July, 2024

9 - 13 September, 2024

3 October, 2024

8 - 9 October, 2024

21 November, 2024

28 - 30 January ,2025

European Sustainable Energy Week 2024 

Nationaal Groeifonds Congres

Financieringstafel Duurzame Luchtvaart 

Holland Hightech Netwerkevent

Farnborough International Airshow 2024 

ICAS 2024 

Luchtvaart in Transitie Jaarevent

ATI Conference 2024

SKB Evenement

Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit

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